My Radio Online
4.4/5 Votes: 42
Music & Audio
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My Radio Online is a highly recommended app for music lovers who want access to a variety of online radio stations. This allows users to set a specific time for the app to automatically shut off, ensuring that they don't have to worry about forgetting to turn it off or waiting till they fall asleep. It's a convenient feature that promotes peace of mind and hassle-free listening. To access this feature, users simply need to navigate to the settings of the My Radio Online app and find the "Off timer" option. With this added functionality, users can enjoy their favorite radio programs without any interruptions and have a more seamless listening experience.

Features of My Radio Online:

* Access to over 100 online radio stations nationwide, providing a wide range of music genres.

* Simple and user-friendly design, making it easy to search and select favorite radio stations.

* Save favorite radio stations to a favorite list for quick and convenient access.

* Display necessary information about radio channels, including name, frequency, address, contact information, and website.

* Access to various radio programs from hundreds of stations in Romania and worldwide.

* Option to schedule the end of radio shows, allowing users to listen to the radio with peace of mind.


With its extensive library of stations, user-friendly design, and features like saving favorites and scheduling show endings, this app provides an excellent listening experience. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore a wide range of genres and stay updated with news and entertainment programs from Romania and around the world - click to download My Radio Online now!



  • Aplicație ok. Păcat că nu funcționează cum trebuie butonul de Chromecast. Edit: Am o boxa Google mini, când apas pe butonul de Chromecast, face cast, dat streamul cumva nu se aude, e pe pauză într-un fel sau altul. Cand intru pe aplicația Google Home, intru pe boxă ea arata că face play, apoi daca îi dau pauza și play abia atunci merge.
    2024-08-28 20:36:40
  • Excellent app.
    2024-08-27 17:08:51
  • Superapp
    2024-08-27 16:17:57
  • Rectific afirmația anterioară cu privire la problema de schimbare a postului radio . Merge perfect! Sunteți TOP,țineți-o tot așa
    2024-08-27 07:31:20
  • De ascultat acasa sau la drum lung.
    2024-08-26 17:08:46
  • Totul OK, recomand.
    2024-08-26 00:02:39